Rochelle's Daily Wire

ABI Exclusive

September 20, 2022

The transferee of a claim doesn’t have standing to object to recording the transfer of a claim to it on the claims docket, Judge Garrity says.

September 15, 2022

Saving Revlon’s bank $500 million, the Second Circuit holds that the law of restitution allows a bank to recover payments made mistakenly when the recipient had no right to receive the payment.

August 29, 2022

A district judge in Brooklyn applied the two most commonly used tests for the ‘ordinary course’ defense to uphold dismissal of preference complaints.

August 25, 2022

A local government removed a lawsuit to bankruptcy court, but the bankruptcy judge turned around and slam-dunked the government for violating the plaintiff’s Fourteenth Amendment rights.

August 23, 2022

Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane in New York barred a chapter 11 claims agent from selling the claims docket to a claims trader in return for a share of the fees earned by the trader.

August 12, 2022

Reversing the bankruptcy court, a district judge ruled that a company may file in chapter 7 even when there are no operations and no assets aside from insurance.

August 4, 2022

A country that was ineligible to host a nonmain foreign proceeding was nonetheless held to have the foreign main proceeding.

July 8, 2022

Second Circuit exercises ‘hypothetical’ appellate jurisdiction when finality is murky.

July 5, 2022

Reversing, a Long Island district judge credits value to a homeowner’s ability to delay foreclosure, taking a position contrary to a recent decision from a Ninth Circuit B.A.P.

July 1, 2022

Circuit courts are split 4/3 on their interpretation of Supreme Court precedent holding that regularly conducted mortgage foreclosures are immune from fraudulent transfer attack.